Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Blog 4: Article Reflections

"This Valentine's Day, Occupy the Romantic-Industrial Complex"
It is rare to find any article that is entirely based off of facts. Although this article presents statistics and cites its sources of information, I wold still argue it's pretty opinionated. Especially a the end of the writing piece, the author made their point clear for readers; marriage and love are governed by money. It is interesting to look back at the history of marriage. It began as a business deal, contorted to a safety blanket, evolved to a bondage of love, and is now starting to decline all together. After all the progress and sacrifices that have been made so that love can be the lead role in marriage, it is odd to think that regardless of love, people are opting to hold off on a wedding. Until reading this article, I never really considered any of this but I can agree with what the writer is saying to a certain degree. The author implies that marriage is nothing more than shoveling money into the wedding industry. Yes, some people do chose to have lavish ceremonies. But the purpose iof a wedding is to announce one's love for another person before their families, friends, and God. It is a promise to share the rest of your life with another person. I think the author fails to mention this. The idea that money effects love is not something I like to think is true. But this article brings it forward. I wouldn't really recommend this to anyone in particular because it didn't really have any moving impact of me and I can't think of anyone that it would impact.
"Pa. bill preventing local gun crackdowns would be travesty"
This is defiantly a bias article. The author makes it evident through her word choice and placement that she is 100% against the NRA shutting down lost/stolen gun regulation. I did not find this article interesting, but I do agree with the authors stance. However that could just be because she only presented information from her opinionated point of view. Regardless I do think that dabbing a fine on anyone who fails to report a missing/stolen gun would help cut down the crime and mortality rate involving guns. It was a surprising statistic when the author said the 6,000 guns "disappeared" from gun shops in two years. This made me think about how many of those weapons went on to play a role in an unsolved crime or murder. I suppose I would recommend this article to anyone who is a gun owner. It may cause them to think twice and be more cautious with their firearms.
"Elie Wiesel: Mitt Romney Should Tell Mormon Church To Stop Performing Posthumous Proxy Baptisms On Jews"
I think this article lacks the bias stance the other two took. The author appears to just be recalling a religious scandal. None of the vocabulary, nor quotes of mood of the article suggests he is pro-Wiesel nor pro-Romney. The author does have several of Wiesel's quotes, and few from Romney but explains at the end of the article that Romney's campaign denied a comment. I was interested in this article because I read the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel last year. However, the article would have been much more enjoyable if the author actually explained what proxy baptisms are. I did look it up on the internet but still don't really understand it in the slightest. But clearly Wiesel is very against it and therefor the mormons should respect his wishes and stop doing what ever it is that Wiesel is so against. I would recommend this article to people who practice Judaism because they may have the same feelings that Elie Wiesel does.

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