Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blog 3: Gender Roles

Men and woman have played evolving and transforming roles throughout history. We are now well into the 21 century and as with any other department of society, new expectations have been set. Both men and woman have new tasks they are expected to take on. Household dynamics have morphed from man being the primary provider to both parties or even just the woman providing for the family. Obviously, there are more women integrated into the work field. This means that someone needs to pick up the slack at home. I don't think it is expected for a woman to take care of dinner, dishes, and dirty clothes anymore. Wives expect their husbands to partake in the chores and upkeep of the house as well. But this doesn't mean all women and men view eachother's as equals. Sexism goes both ways. There are many women who believe that certain tasks are better preformed by a woman. And in the same way, some men believe that only a man could preform specific tasks. Men are still expected to be physically stronger and serve as a protector. That has not changed regardless of any woman's right's movements. However, women have gained many rights, privileges, and opportunities over the years and this will continue into 2012. Of course this is a wonderful development for the human race. But at the same time, it put's a lot of pressure on high profile, successful women. They not only have to prove that they are capable of doing a job or filling a role, but they have to prove they can do it just as well if not better than a man could. And even though legally, women are on par wit men, stereotypes still exist. Some people believe that women use their sexuality to advance them farther in life. When married to a successful man, a wife is often dubbed "golddigger." Women are still disrespected and called derogatory names. Double standards still thrive. For example, if a high school girl goes out on dates with several different guys, a trail on name calling and confidence blows are sure to follow. However, if a guy is dating several girls at a time, he is in a way applauded by his peers. I do think that with time, these expectations, opinions, and stereotypes will dwindle. But they will certainly not be extinct by the conclusion of 2012.


  1. Overall, after reading this blog post, it is hard to understand and agree with your post because of our opposite genders. I can see where you are coming from with your points, but some things I can not agree on. I guess it really comes down to being that actual gender and thats when you can really make your judgements. I do agree with you that women have gained many rights and it is crazy to think that they weren't allowed to vote up until 100 years ago or so. I definitely think that the women's privileges are progressing and overall, I agree with most the things you posted.

  2. Kylie, I agree with your response. I understand what's Eun is saying about how he can not really relate with your post, but I can. I think views on women and men are very different today. Many people think the women should still be the one staying home making the lunchs and meal, cleaning the house and the men should be out making the money and providing for his family. Men are also looked at to uphold this strong personality. Most men, are actually sensitive and emotional just like women.
