Friday, January 27, 2012

Blog 1: First Impression

When looking at a book, obviously the first thing noticed is the title. This novel in particular has a very unique tile. It brings up many questions: who are the Garcia girls, what made them loss their accents, was this intentional? This all makes me very interested and curious about this book. So before even opening it, I am already very motivated to continue with the storyline. My second reaction to being given this book was to flip it over and read the back. It divulged a little bit of info about the plot and the characters. It is my understanding that these “Garcia girls” have been driven out their homeland and are forced to move to America and engross themselves in an entirely new culture and environment. They are forced to change themselves in order to merge into the crowd of young American teens. This is something that most high school students face to some extent. I think that it will be easy to relate to these characters which is something I really look forward to with reading this. It is set in the 1960’s which is an era I have not read many novels from. I’m looking forward to learning about a new time of society. Overall, I think that I will enjoy this book and I look forward to reading it.


  1. I found it very interesting that you brought up all those questions at the beginning because it made me realize that I didn't dissect and take in everything the title itself had to offer. I agree with you that it is going to be interesting reading about the girls and how they made their accustoms to the American culture. I also agree that it may be easy to relate to them because they are around our age and going through high school which is something everyone can relate to. However, I think that you have read a book during the era of the 1960's because this is the civil rights movements and the time of MLK. It is going to be a tough journey for these girls living in a sophisticated city like New York, and being immigrants to this massive setting.

  2. I found what you wrote kylie to be very interesting. I find reading several different posts to be interesting. I like seeing different peoples opinions. Title I thought gave us a lot to "dissect" And even reading the back cover I thought gave the readers (us) a lot of insight to whats going to happen. Like I feel like this book is going to deal with a lot of assimilation and immersing into another culture. Clearly the girls are going to be losing a part of their heritage, which i am sure people are not going to be very happy about. I also am very motivated to read the book. it just seems a little different than books we have read in the past.
